Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cold Busy Tuesday

Today is a great day it's very cold out and I have talked to Melissa a few times so that makes it even better and other than that everything is going great. Can't wait for the snow to start coming down soon I hope...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Snowy Friday........

Hello Everyone... I am off today and enjoyed sleeping in a bit.. I have Doctors appointments today (that is why I took the day off) and just getting ready to head out.. Cant wait for tonight (Denise and I and Rob and others) are all going out to dinner to hang out and just have a great night.. Other then that I need to do some cleaning around the house tomorrow and just pretty much chilln all weekend.. I added 2 sets of HIDs to my car this week and they look freaking awesome if you ask me lol.. Anyway if you guys need anything just email me or call me if you have my number.. cya

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Terrific Tuesday

Well it was a freaking awesome day... Hard to believe how little things can make you're entire day.. Ended up working over tonight in Muncie and then got home and just fixed me an awesome egg sandwich for dinner lol... Anyway again if you all need anything let me know..

Monday, January 14, 2013

Great Monday.........

I went to work today and ended up washing the car again lol. .. Went to lunch with Chris and then left work around 4... Came to Muncie and picked up Denise for out PJ Night... She wore hers and I put on mine when we got home and ate pizza and watched a movie.. (Blind Side) and can I just say I balled my eyes out pretty much all the movie.. It is such a great great movie.. YES She laughed at me lol. We had an absolutely great great night.. Thanks Denise if you read this. Took her home and stopped and got a Frozen Coke and now I am working on my website and working on the computer..

Another Weekend Over

I had a pretty good weekend just really hanging out. I hung out with Rob and ended up seeing Denise for Dinner on Sunday (Roadhouse).. I cleaned up my office and added another camera lol. Tonight I think is going to be PJ Night for Denise and I at my house so we can just hang out and order dinner and watch movies lol... Other then that it was pretty good weekend. I am still not for sure about my new keyboard / case for my iPad but we will see.. I am able to update my blog a lot easier and write emails from my iPad a lot better then typing on glass. I really would like to get a MacBook Air but they are expensive...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Another Weekend Passing.....

Had date night last night with Denise we ended up running around getting some things done (New Phone for me) and then other things.. Then went to the hospital to visit a friend that is in there.. Ate at Ruby Tuesdays and then we went to my house to watch a movie and hung out.. Had a GREAT TIME...

Today (Saturday) I got up at 3 am and started cleaning the house and then went and washed the car and headed to BestBuy to buy a new keyboard for my iPad and then was heading home and talked with Denise and ended up taking breakfast over there and enjoying sometime with her before she headed out to the school.. I left there and went home and yes you guessed it I cleaned the car up again and worked around the house.. I left there and went to eat and now I am hanging out at Robs... We are eating a chocolate cake that Denise made for me the other night and watching TV...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Good Sunday Morning Everyone....  (Couldn't Sleep lol again)

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and got everything you wanted..... I had a really great Christmas and spent a lot of Quality Time with Denise.. It seems funny how you can go to lunch or go to a fast dinner or see a movie and how it doesn't even compare to just sitting around and being together and talking and laughing and sharing ya know.. We (Denise and I) ended up having Christmas Eve at my house with my family and it was pretty cool then we watched TV in my office and then went to her house and ended up opening there at Midnight with her kids. Then we went to the store lol and got things for breakfast and cooked at 3am.. lol then we tried to watch A Christmas Story at 4am but I feel asleep and so did she on the couch. I woke up and headed home and then I got a call from her friend Lisa to come over at 9am or so to setup something for her kids so I did that and went by and picked up Denise and Lacey to go to her Parents for Christmas. We hung out there all afternoon and that was awesome.. So honestly it was a GREAT TIME and GREAT Couple of Days..

Sunday, August 12, 2012

WOW is all I can say about this weekend...... And not a good WOW..
I guess there is such as a thing as being to nice.. I guess I learned my lesson and just need to BACK the way off. Sometimes I just wish things were different in my life and I could start over but I don't think that would even matter anymore.. I am NOT A COLD guy and I am not like most guys either.. I actually care about how people feel. Anyway I am going to work some more and just keep my mind off things if that can honestly work..